Our mind can be easily filled with either a productive or unproductive thought pattern. We need to learn to differentiate which thought pattern is right and which is not. The passive mind can be described as a lack of feeling, a lack of desire, apathy, and laziness. Therefore, the passive mind is the opposite of the active mind. The person with a passive mind follows his emotions and his emotions take the front seat in his life. This means if he feels good then he does good; if he feels bad then he does not do anything. If he feels like helping others he does and if he doesn’t feel like it then he won’t. Everything he does by solely depending on his emotions and feelings not necessarily because he knows in his mind that it is the right thing to do regardless of his feelings.
For a mind that is passive and inactive, it is easy to have wrong thought patterns and perspectives. Because of such passivity the person can start to think and accept such thought pattern as his own and can conclude that it is normal for his mind to be passive instead of active. Such a person is full of excuses and blames others for his actions. He thinks he is not doing anything wrong – he is right on his own eyes.
How does one overcome a passive mind? By being active in his thought patterns intentionally; one can overcome such passivity. It is impossible to get from passive thought to active thought patterns without first recognizing them. A passive person may want to do the right thing, but he never will do so unless he purposely activates his mind and lines it up with the right positive thinking. Let me end with this quote from Martin Luther King who said, “you can’t stop a bird from landing on your head. But you can keep it from building a nest.” You can’t stop every thought that comes your way but you can be intentional what you allow in your mind. You have the power within you to identify the passive thoughts that comes your way to hinder you from moving forward, from being active! Let’s be intentional in keeping our thought pattern active. Remember the bird!