Thoughts P. 1

The ability to think and reason is what distinguishes humans from other beings.  There is a saying that goes like this “As a man thinks in his heart so is he…”. You don’t need to look far in order to know the kind of person you are – all you need to check is the kind of thoughts you entertain in your mind. Why? Because what you think in your mind manifests through your actions. Let me say it differently – when a person thinks good positive thoughts about himself and others then what he does is good as a result and vice versa. The same way we cannot escape the law of nature; one also cannot escape the way he thinks whether it is positive or negative.

Our actions are the direct result of our thoughts. If you have a negative mindset then, you will have a negative outlook on life. If you have a positive mindset, then you will have a positive outlook in life. Whichever positive or negative thought you entertain in our mind has immense power in your life. This can be displayed in your daily life experience as a byproduct of your way of thinking. Henry Ford once said, “whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you are right”. Why? Because you have already decided in your mind whether you can or you cannot, and such thinking produce a direct effect on your life at that particular moment. You become what you think, therefore, assess your thoughts wisely. Choose today to have a positive mindset over a negative one.

People who succeed in life or overcome difficulties in life are those who have a positive outlook in life. This does not mean they don’t face hardships in life, but they choose to think positively and turn the table around. Almost all problems in life are rooted in the way we think. So next time think about what you are thinking because you are not greater than the quality of your thought patterns! You have the power to start thinking right.

“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.”



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